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Brought to national flyfishing attention by “A River Runs Through It”, the Blackfoot River is one of the prettiest trout streams you will ever see. It is a rough, varied river with many boulder-strewn rapids, canyon stretches, big beautiful pools, and a variety of wild trout. Even better, the flyfishing equals the scenery.  Salmonflies, golden stones, caddis, and a variety of mayflies make this an interesting and complex fishery.

When I was growing up in Missoula we didn’t fish the Blackfoot much because, though pretty, the fishing always left something to be desired. Not anymore. The river is very well managed and the fishing has improved greatly over the last decade. One unusual guide day in 2001 my clients caught 5 species of trout: Brown, Brook, Bull (all bull trout must be released immediately and unharmed), Cutthroat, and Rainbow, with the brook trout being the only real surprise. This river offers a number of spectacular day floats as well as some overnight options.